Page includes multi-sig, audit, minting function, bug bounty
We are determined to be completely secure in everything we do at Merit Circle. We aim to be totally transparent in our actions, which is why we work with some of the finest names in the audit space. On top of that, actions that affect our DAO will go through multi-signature signings to ensure maximum safety.
We want to ensure that we are able to answer any questions about Merit Circle. We are completely transparent and strive to remain this way. Therefore, we would like to shed some light on one key function in our token contract:
Multisig - the main DAO multisig is currently formed of the following parties (name - ETH address):
Maven11 - 0x998C367e519F85e77bf2161c1c38Bb9E0f54a79a
Flow Ventures - 0x5b48A7035B565366a4d2F6baf10167514ad24Ece
Sergei Chan - 0x15aF80290F04Ba73eDFD912b31452354eB5a4e2A
Marco van den Heuvel - 0x08B308c486D7B9A9f9DCac1A0dc80d9d523A6967
Oh Baby Games - 0x6E5622807DbC21c1CCEF93d8A8d0Ad50Ea5050Db
OPCrypto - 0xF5AEf65B7e493A5a8725842528D81561ED2CBC6e
Orange Pill Ltd - 0x0ee16877560e2c08A3c0917C7e440ac9e13d0973
Danish Chaudry - 0x7e982d89F10B60cCD0614Ffa0F0e4F93A5b2b102
Hash Rush / Vorto - 0xF36E3D66A3c98B7B7eb881096454B6075205997d
Audit reports
In collaboration with Quantstamp we are proud to share the following audit reports:
Quantstamp Merit Circle token report (six issues were found that have either been resolved or acknowledged). The issue which is acknowledged with a higher risk has been included in the transparency comment above (related to the mint and burn functions).
Quantstamp Liquidity Mining audit report (12 total issues were found. Four of those were high-risk issues potentially resulting in the loss of user funds. Three of them were initially found by Quantstamp and one of them was found by an individual senior developer. We resolved these issues immediately and acknowledged three other risks that are not direct risks to users).
Quantstamp Token Burner audit report (one issue found, advised to address the issue before deploying the contract).
Quantstamp Beam token audit report
Last updated